Learning English

Learn or improve your English
We offer free lessons on speaking, reading, and writing English. Our tutors are skilled at helping you gain English skills, learn about American culture, and become aware of cross-cultural issues. While practicing speaking English with your tutor, you will learn about the skills needed for job and social interactions, as well as how to navigate everyday life.
Your tutor will use a variety of materials to help you learn English, including newspapers, books, videos, and on-line resources.
All materials and tutoring are free.
Other Resources:
There are other resources in Carroll County available to learn English.
Carroll Community College offers group ESOL classes to learn basic English. ESOL stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages. For more information contact the College at 410-386-8630 or email them ESOL@carrollcc.edu.
Explore our free self-paced programs.
Learning EnglishReading and Writing
Workplace Skills
Life Skills
Veteran Services
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